I only told her one sentence about that said-short relationship back on 24th March, something that I keep and don't tell because he's old news and she's just exploded with these flurry of questions.
It went something like that. She's wonderful, that friend of mine.
So, we started talking. She told stories and I told her mine. It went from him, then to our friends, then to our future.
I love talking with her. No, we were not talking. We were having a conversation. Didn't I told you she was wonderful?
For someone as an introvert as me, I would be drain after a conversation like that. But, no, it was different when you are with friends that you are close with. She makes you feel happy. She makes me feel grateful. She offers me support.
Siti Nur Qadijah binti Alias.
I've been blind, but now I see. I have many wonderful friends around me.
Sufiera. Amira. Izzati. Najwa. Nik.
So many around me, but it was a fault of mine that I felt alone. I was such a coward to speak for myself. I feel like I am burdening them with my problems. I feel like I am not worth for their time because I spend time with so many people and I had rarely get the same.
All of my friends and all of the people that I had met, they all teach me so many things.
And today, they teach me about gratefulness.
I should have been more grateful and should never question if the deed will be gone back to me. Kindness and goodness that we have done to people, Allah would always pay back.
I feel guilty for questioning what Allah had given to me and what Allah will give to me. He is All-Forgiving. He is the Most Merciful. He is the Most Gracious.
Pay it forward. I remember this line a bit second ago. I remember the movie that I had watched about a boy who wanted kindness to be spread around his community. He coined the word, "Pay it Forward." where if each and every individual has to do an act of charity towards 3 people and those 3 people have to pay the charity by doing good to another different person.
It's wonderful how life is when it is filled with people who spread kindness simply because it is something good and heartwarming.
I want to be a better person every single day. Starting today, I want to say to myself, I want to be better today by helping not just the people around me, but also myself.
I want to write this blog about my friends anyway, but it turns like this XD. And it's like midnight, I rather sleep than rewrite this XD
Swiftly Estel-ing
It went something like that. She's wonderful, that friend of mine.
So, we started talking. She told stories and I told her mine. It went from him, then to our friends, then to our future.
I love talking with her. No, we were not talking. We were having a conversation. Didn't I told you she was wonderful?
For someone as an introvert as me, I would be drain after a conversation like that. But, no, it was different when you are with friends that you are close with. She makes you feel happy. She makes me feel grateful. She offers me support.
Siti Nur Qadijah binti Alias.
I've been blind, but now I see. I have many wonderful friends around me.
Sufiera. Amira. Izzati. Najwa. Nik.
So many around me, but it was a fault of mine that I felt alone. I was such a coward to speak for myself. I feel like I am burdening them with my problems. I feel like I am not worth for their time because I spend time with so many people and I had rarely get the same.
All of my friends and all of the people that I had met, they all teach me so many things.
And today, they teach me about gratefulness.
I should have been more grateful and should never question if the deed will be gone back to me. Kindness and goodness that we have done to people, Allah would always pay back.
I feel guilty for questioning what Allah had given to me and what Allah will give to me. He is All-Forgiving. He is the Most Merciful. He is the Most Gracious.
Pay it forward. I remember this line a bit second ago. I remember the movie that I had watched about a boy who wanted kindness to be spread around his community. He coined the word, "Pay it Forward." where if each and every individual has to do an act of charity towards 3 people and those 3 people have to pay the charity by doing good to another different person.
It's wonderful how life is when it is filled with people who spread kindness simply because it is something good and heartwarming.
I want to be a better person every single day. Starting today, I want to say to myself, I want to be better today by helping not just the people around me, but also myself.
I want to write this blog about my friends anyway, but it turns like this XD. And it's like midnight, I rather sleep than rewrite this XD
Swiftly Estel-ing
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