Aftermath: Once Forgiven

I wore something pretty on Monday after our first semester break.

And I, ahem, intentionally, (Well, really it was more to luck because it just so happened the projector wasn't showing the slides) came up front to the class in a showy kind of way to help the lecturer to find out what happened with the projector and all. XD

I know it sounds ridiculously cheeky, but the blog had been a bit depressing lately and I, myself, had been depressing lately so, why not share this wonderful 'news' to everyone?

I never felt being loved by a guy and to find out someone loved me for me was exhilarating experience. And to feel betrayed by someone you had once care a lot was also a feeling that I don't want to forget.

It hurt a lot, yes. It killed me and stabbed me deep inside.

But, it doesn't mean I can't grow stronger after that.

To show up in class with something that says, "Hey, I move on la!" was so powerful. I felt confident, I felt happy. I smiled the whole way in class and throughout the day. Just to show to him that he is not the variable that control my happiness.

I own my happiness, babe!
Like Mark once said, "I am a strong and independent woman and I don't need no man!"

On the same day, two of my friends bought me gifts suddenly. I have no idea what was their intentions but THANK YOU, YOU WONDERFUL HUMAN SOULS OF BEING!

She told me that when she saw the cactus, she thought about how I love about trees.

I just feel blessed on that day. It was so 360 degrees than Saturday, where I cried when I shook hands with this one child who so happened to come up to me right after I prayed zohor. Just. So. Opposite.

I keep on praying, that's the key. I keep praying for His guidance, for His help to keep me on the right path. I keep praying to keep myself from falling from that pitch black darkness of my own demons and negativity.

My demons inside my head might not be gone. It might attack back with more vigor, with more prowess, with their only weapon was those negative thoughts. And I might come back here to write another sob story of mine. But, I know He's there and He will always protect me.

Alhamdulillah. :D

Anyway, I didn't get to fix the projector anyway. We moved to another lecture hall, illegally. XD
And the lecturer called me and my friends angels <3 I just adored that lecturer.

Stay strong, everybody!
