Okay, it's cheeky. I know that but I need to post something, right?
Before I post the real deal.
I had blogged before but it had been a long time since then. I used to write a lot but I got busy and I put that busy stuff first than my passion. Therefore, my old blogs had become abandon.
I hope this one doesn't.
I want to past the time before I got my results from my foundation studies and the results from the degree application system. So, I decided to make a new blog. I mean, why not? There's nothing wrong on starting one. But, I hope, like a thousand of hope, that this one will go on for years and years to an end.
Because I love to write.
And I don't want to give it up.
I have an interest in photography too but I am not an expert. So, if you have any comments about the pictures that I post, please tell me about it.
I was playing outside with my young brother this evening. I decided to take some pictures and here's some:-
"Leave me alone," said the cat. |
Beautiful evening sky |
Making dinner |
Dinner is ready! |
King of the Hill
So, what do you think of my first post?
I'm literally cringing at how I'm doing it. XD
Well, I hope you have a great month! Don't give up! Don't die!
I'm being ridiculous.
Swiftly Estel-ing.
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